Imagine If We Had Enough Resources To Provide. . .

  • Basic income for those in need in villages and elsewhere, including single parents, widows and orphans
  • Food security for all with locally grown food
  • Jobs with living wages
  • Free health care for all
  • Free child and elder care
  • Funding grants to launch 100% of for-profit and non-profit startups with a viable plan & growth funds as appropriate
  • Fully funded public education: pre-nursery, nursery, primary and secondary 
  • Livable wages for teachers at all levels
  • Fully funded state and local governments
  • Plenty of money for infrastructure and environmental cleanup
  • Renovation and upgrading of dilapidated primary and secondary schools in the villages
  • Healthy and vibrant local economies
  • Energy produced mostly from renewable sources
  • Thriving small businesses
  • Fully funded non-profits
  • Clean water, air and energy
  • All the money we need to address climate change

Sound impossible? It’s not and here’s why.

There is a proven way that we the people can solve our own problems without government intervention, the rich or anyone else. We can do so by issuing our own vouchers. Vouchers are actually age-old, and in fact used every day in buy local campaigns, or more commonly in the form of grocery coupons or mileage awards. Our digital vouchers are not a “crypto” currency and cannot be speculated on or gambled with.

See the following video about vouchers and how they represent a game changer for society.

A Proven Solution

Successful examples of successful local vouchers be found throughout history. One of the most notable was in Europe during the Great Depression where the small Austrian town of Wörgl issued its own vouchers called stamp scrip (a common form of currency also used throughout the U.S.). That effort was so successful in lifting the town’s economy that it became known as the Miracle of Wörgl. Hundreds of communities across Europe flocked to Wörgl to learn the secret. (See the full Wörgl story and other examples in history here.)

The key for all of us is that we can apply the methods used in Wörgl and elsewhere to break free from the stranglehold that the global banking consortium currently has over us and create a new paradigm outside of their control and influence. We can look to the futurist Buckminster Fuller’s aphorism that “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” That’s what the folks at the US based non-profit  Sustainable Communities Corporation (SCC) did and developed a program called the Sustainable Communities Framework (SCF), managed in Nigeria by the Michael Sauvante Care Foundation.